CyberTech Stairwell lands $45m in Series B

Stairwell, a CyberTech firm that is focused on empowering security teams, has raised $45m in a Series B funding round.

Stairwell Opening Calculations

Stair framing calculations

The Escherian Stairwell

Got interviewed for iHeartRadio’s “It Could Happen Here” podcast about this 2013 MFA film thesis. Ended up delving into some great conversation about disinformation today. Thanks so much to Garrison Davis and his team for having me!

Listen on Spotify: &fbclid=IwAR1U7_e8a9FD9wF-z5WYfZ-yxHPIrF1sX-Nu2vFxFFb2bGIXfUSVUhGsJWI &nd=1

Or on Apple Podcasts: &fbclid=IwAR3u8_HUoKejxz3q0J47u9CfoyjyMtulIKuCdNYHdRCpz4Njn8qewOeDbkY

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Also, check out these articles 🙂

Hazlitt interview:

Sound On Sight Q &A:

Amazing Stairwell Illusion and The answer – HD

Calculating Stairwell Rough Opening

When you are framing a stairwell opening into a floor, getting the size right is critical – too small and you’ll have to fix it to pass your final inspection. This video goes through the calculation in both metric and imperial using headroom requirements from the BC building Code 2012.